Grow your Wealth through The Bandhan Business Cycle Fund 

Grow your Wealth through The Bandhan Business Cycle Fund 

Table of Contents

Understanding the Business Cycle

To a layman, it is easy to confuse the economic landscape as akin to a vast ocean, characterised by its unpredictability… However, to an expert it is clear that an economy goes through phases, or rather business cycles. These cyclical patterns, known as business cycles, are marked by phases of expansion, peak, contraction, and trough. Investors who can skillfully navigate these cycles can potentially reap significant rewards. A business cycle typically consists of four distinct phases, which are

  1. Expansion
  2.  Peak
  3.  Contraction
  4.  Trough

Let us understand them more elaborately, 

  • During an expansion, economic activities often  accelerate, which leads to an increase in corporate earnings and a rise in stock prices. On the other hand, during a contraction phase an economic slowdown is witnessed, which impacts corporate profits and stock valuations.
  • The performance of different industries varies significantly across these phases. Factors such as inflation, employment rates, and capacity utilisation influence which sectors thrive and which struggle during each cycle.

By identifying and investing in companies poised to benefit from the current phase of the business cycle, investors stand a chance at potentially enhancing returns and mitigating risks.The Bandhan Business Cycle Fund is designed to capitalise on this dynamic nature of the economy. The scheme seeks to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing predominantly in equity and equity-related instruments with a focus on riding business cycles through dynamic allocation between various sectors and stocks at different stages of business cycles in the economy

The Bandhan Business Cycle Fund: How Does It Grow Your Wealth?

The fund aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation by strategically investing in equity and equity-related instruments. It employs a dynamic asset allocation strategy, carefully shifting investments between various sectors and stocks to align with the prevailing phase of the business cycle.

Key Features of the Bandhan Business Cycle Fund:

  • A Thematic Focus: The fund concentrates on sectors and companies that will prove to excel during the expansion phase of an ongoing business cycle.
  • An Active Management Team: The investment team actively monitors the macroeconomic environment and adjusts the portfolio accordingly to capture emerging opportunities and mitigate risks. This way, as the economical conditions change or shift, so does your portfolio.
  • Focus on Diversification: The fund invests your wealth across different market capitalization segments, ensuring a diversified portfolio. With a  diverse portfolio, you can minimise risks.

Flexibility: As mentioned, The fund manager has the flexibility to adapt the investment strategy to changing economic conditions.

How will the Fund Work?

  1. Identifying High-Growth Themes: The investment team will meticulously select stocks from sectors that are likely to thrive during the expansion phase of the business cycle.
  2. Timely Sector Rotation: The portfolio will be regularly adjusted to capitalise on emerging opportunities and to mitigate risks.
  3. Focused Investment: The fund maintains a focused portfolio of up to 30 stocks, allowing for in-depth analysis and an active management.

Sector Rotation: A Key to Long-Term Success

Historically, no single industry has consistently outperformed others over extended periods. To capitalise on market cycles and generate sustainable returns, investors can employ a strategy known as sector rotation. This involves shifting investments between different sectors based on prevailing economic conditions.

Business cycle investing focuses on identifying and investing in sectors that are poised to benefit from the current phase of the economic cycle. By leveraging the expertise of experienced fund managers and employing a disciplined investment approach, the Bandhan Business Cycle Fund aims to deliver long-term capital appreciation.

By investing in the Bandhan Business Cycle Fund, you can potentially gain exposure to high-growth sectors and harness the power of sector rotation for long-term financial success.

Government Initiatives to Support Business Cycle Investing

While the business cycle is a natural economic phenomenon, government initiatives can play a crucial role in influencing its trajectory and supporting the performance of business cycle funds.

Key Government Initiatives:

Make in India: This initiative aims to foster a conducive environment for domestic and foreign investment. By focusing on infrastructure development, regulatory reforms, skill development, and fiscal incentives, Make in India has attracted significant international investment and can bolster the performance of various sectors during economic upturns.

Infrastructure Development: A robust infrastructure development policy ensures better access to essential services, improves connectivity, and reduces logistics costs. These factors can stimulate economic activity and create new opportunities within the infrastructure sector.

Important Note:

The impact of government schemes on the business cycle can vary depending on the prevailing economic conditions and the specific timing of the implementations

Why Invest in the Bandhan Business Cycle Fund?

  • Potential for Enhanced Returns: By investing in sectors primed for growth during the expansion phase, the fund aims to deliver superior returns.
  • Risk Mitigation: The fund’s diversified approach helps reduce the impact of underperformance in any particular sector.
  • Flexibility: The fund’s ability to adapt to changing economic conditions provides an edge in navigating the dynamic market.
  • Government Initiatives: The fund can benefit from government initiatives aimed at boosting economic growth and infrastructure development.

Benchmark: Nifty 500 TRI

The Bandhan Business Cycle Fund’s performance will be benchmarked against the Nifty 500 TRI, which includes companies from all three market capitalization segments, effectively providing a clear comparison to the overall market’s performance.

Who Should Invest?

  • Long-Term Investors: The fund is suitable for investors with a long-term investment horizon. If your financial goals align with a longer time span, the Bandhan Business Cycle Fund may prove to be ideal for you. 
  • Growth-Oriented Investors: Those seeking capital appreciation through exposure to a dynamic sector-driven approach.
  • Risk-Conscious Investors: Many investors are risk averse, but that shouldn’t stop you from embarking on your wealth creation journey! The fund’s diversified strategy can help mitigate investment risks. 


The Bandhan Business Cycle Fund offers investors an opportunity to participate in the growth potential of the Indian economy. By strategically investing in sectors poised to benefit from the expansion phase of the business cycle, the fund aims to deliver long-term capital appreciation. However, it is essential to conduct thorough research and consider your individual investment goals and risk tolerance before investing.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. It is recommended to consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.